Sharing Ideas that Do Good

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Inspiring the Path
Please Shine for others who need your light in challenging times.
2 April 2021 by Dr Gorakh Bob...


Strategy with Intelligence
Never Give Up on an idea just plan it properly, sometimes it's tough but not impossible.
31 March 2021 by Dr Gorakh Bob...



Believe in Yourself
"Sometimes we carry unnecessary burdens that slow us down, We have a fallacious viewpoint about things that blurs our focus. We are confident of our weaknesses and doubtful of our strengths.  If we want to live our lives to full potential and enjoy the fruits of Success and Happiness, just remove these piles of unnecessary dregs that clog our minds and hinder our growth" ~Dr Gorakh Bobde 
20 January 2021 by Dr Gorakh Bob...



Don't be Judgemental
Everyone we know is going through certain challenging phases in his/her life, We don't know what they are going through or how they are trying to cope up with it. We should not be judgemental in passing a judgement without understanding their situations or why they are behaving in a certain manner. We should try to help them out by making them feel  you do care for them.
3 September 2020 by Dr Gorakh Bob...



12 things to remember
Follow these simple principles of Life.....
17 August 2020 by Dr Gorakh Bob...